Deeds, Contracts, Foreclosures, Evictions, Easements, Property Disputes, Quiet Title, Zoning, Subdivisions, Owner Financing
Whether you are buying or selling real estate, renting out property to a tenant, quieting title to a property purchased at a tax sale, evicting non-paying tenants, fighting with your neighbor over the property line or easement, or just need to transfer property to your children, we can help you with all of your real estate legal needs.
Contracts, Corporations, LLC’s,
Debt Collection, Insurance, Banking
Own your own business, buying an existing business, or looking to start a new business? Let us help you with all of your business legal needs. Our services include complex contract formation, and drafting and filing of proper business entity documents to create valid corporations and LLC's to protect you from personal liability.
Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney,
Medicaid Planning, Elder Law
Proper estate planning can save your family time and money. Regardless of the nature or extent of your assets, it is important to plan how those assets will be distributed. We offer estate planning services that make managing and distributing your assets more efficient and effective. Estate planning, when done correctly, can greatly relieve the burdens placed upon your family in their time of sorrow.
Decedent Estate Administration, Adult Guardianship, Trust Administration
The loss of a loved one can be the hardest time in a person's life. To complicate matters further, many legal steps and choices must be made concerning a deceased family member's estate. We assist you in navigating the complex and somewhat confusing probate system in order to ensure that your loved one's final wishes are carried through. If you have been appointed as a trustee, we are happy to assist you in administrating trust assets.
Sometimes we are put in a position where we have to start caring for the physical needs and financial affairs of loved ones who can no longer care for themselves. In this case, an adult guardianship may be needed to properly protect your loved one and their property.
Contracts, Property Disputes,
Real Estate, Business
Often legal problems involve more than one area of law and many services we offer are not listed above. If you don’t see your legal need listed above, please contact us. If we are not able to help you, we will refer you to someone who can.